

EU and China: the economic climate is looking rather temperate

The annual EU-China summit provided a platform for the two powers to reaffirm their common commitment on climate change in front of Trump's America. From an economic point of view, however, negotiations were not very successful.

That famous saying comes to mind: 'the enemies of my enemies...' The 12th EU-China Business Summit, held in Brussels in early June 2017, saw China and Europe reach an agreement to reduce the use of fossil fuels, develop green technologies and contribute to financing an annual fund of EUR 90 billion for greenhouse gas emissions. From a purely economic view, there has been very little progress in discussions since June 2016. The EU missed an opportunity to become the first partner of China in respect of imports and exports.

Which strategy is the EU adopting on China?

In a fact sheet published on 1 June 2017, the European Commission summarised this policy through a series of "Council Conclusions EU Strategy on China". Its aim is to strengthen reciprocity and establish a level playing field and fair competition across all areas of cooperation. This is particularly relevant at a time when the European Union and China are working towards a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, in order to create new market opportunities.

"Sound economic development, trade and investment also require respect for the rule of law. To conduct business, people need to be able to access free and independent information and also be able to communicate and discuss."  Cecilia Malmström, European Minister for Trade

Europe is also trying to improve the connectivity between Europe and China in terms of infrastructure and discussions on the digital plan. During the "Belt and Road" forum, which took place in Beijing in May, the European Union set out its vision on improving the connectivity between Europe and Asia; it requires for there to be cooperation on infrastructure, in particular financing, interoperability and logistics.

"A common framework of norms and standards is also central to a prospering economic relationship, for example, with regard to intellectual property rights or food and consumer product safety." European Commission, June 2017.

Trade, investment... and dumping

During the negotiations, the EU was seeking the completion of a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (negotiations on which have been ongoing for about two years.) What is the priority? To create fairer competition for businesses.

The EU intends to continue collaborating with China to get it to make its markets more open to European investments. A key concern for the Commission is what it calls "China's industrial overcapacity" in a number of sectors, notably the steel and aluminium sectors. Discussing the argument for an "unfair competition for European companies", the European Union is finding itself "being flooded with dumped Chinese goods", a problem that China needs to "address rigorously".

EIF: a plan of EUR 500 million

On 2 June, the European Investment Fund and the Chinese Silk Road Fund signed a Memorandum of Understanding to invest in funds (private equity and venture capital) together. What is the aim of this Memorandum of Understanding? To invest, in turn, in SMEs located primarily in the EU. The total amount of funds committed should reach EUR 500 million, split 50/50. The initiative should supplement the SME part of the European Fund for Strategic Investments from the Juncker plan, aimed at enabling some 416,000 SMEs/VSEs in Europe to have access to funding.

Can a fashion company be successful even if it forgoes the excesses of fast fashion? Definitely, as Jean Chabert proves with Stanley/Stella, which produces custom-made clothes from organic cotton.

“We want to be a game changer,” says Jean Chabert, CEO of Stanley/Stella. "When I was born 62 years ago, 2 billion people were living on our planet. Today there are 8 billion. That’s the reality, so we need to stop depleting resources. Human activities always have consequences, but we must constantly strive to improve. That’s our commitment, and we enshrined it in a charter in 2022. We monitor our entire ecosystem and focus on people and trust."

Clothing as a means of communication

The B2B company from Brussels sells clothing that serves as a means of communication. Stanley/Stella customers have T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies printed or embroidered and they offer these personalised items to their own customers. "We're in a giveaway industry, and our prices are at least 50 per cent above the average. But we offer superior quality and respect for people," says Chabert.

Organic cotton: half the water

15 of the 220 Stanley/Stella employees are directly or indirectly involved in Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) activities. For example, they check that agreements on working conditions and safety at the production sites are respected. The company buys its organic cotton, produced without Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or pesticides from India, Tanzania and Turkey - it uses 70 per cent less water than conventional cotton. Stanley/Stella has also made long-term commitments throughout the production chain to minimise any negative impacts on people and the environment. For example, 90 per cent of containers arrive at the warehouse in Germany by inland waterway, the least polluting form of transport.

Considering all the impacts

“Of course, we have to remain realistic,” Chabert adds. "Companies that want to be viable must also remain profitable. By definition, we use resources to make textiles. So, we consider all the impacts. For example, we continue to operate our textile decoration business in Europe, even if it's more expensive. Wastewater containing inks and dyes is treated and reused. At the moment, we can't avoid electricity being generated by gas in Bangladesh. We check how willing a country is to make progress in this area. And in the meantime, we offset what we can't avoid."

Trust and humanity

“Trust is at the heart of any good relationship,” says Chabert. "I used to have a cash flow problem. I relied on my own equity and for years, had no loans. I was the only shareholder for a long time. Eventually, I opened my capital to 40 per cent and applied for loans from BNP Paribas Fortis. Today, we know each other well, and I don't have to explain my company's limitations; they know the industry. They co-finance the stock, offer an invoicing solution, support our development in the United States thanks to their international network, and much more."

Today, it’s full steam ahead for Stanley/Stella. In 2023, turnover more than doubled to EUR 170 million. The company also hopes to enter Japan and South Korea soon. For Chabert, one thing is clear: "Our most important wealth is not on the balance sheet. It’s our people."

Stanley/Stella is ready to change the world. Discover more entrepreneurial stories.


We monitor our entire ecosystem, focusing on people and trust.

Our prices are at least 50 per cent higher than the average. But we offer superior quality and respect for people.

The Brussels-based scale-up Optimy brings together corporate volunteering, donations, patronage and sponsorship activities all on one platform. On it, their impact on society is concretely measurable.

"Originally, I didn't think of myself as a social entrepreneur, even though I was involved in sponsorship. At the request of our customers, my partners and I have developed an entire provision of services that has become the most comprehensive platform on the market," says Kenneth Bérard, CEO of Optimy.

One of these customers was the BNP Paribas Fortis Foundation, which wanted to make a greater social difference and also give these actions more visibility. "It's a must for companies to contribute to society. This generates added value for the company and fuels a positive spiral. But that social impact has to be measurable. How many children have been helped? How many trees have been planted? What effect does this have on employee satisfaction, image and turnover? Our model offers all of this. This means that companies don't have to purchase new modules every time they want to add additional activities. I think that’s our great success factor. We are the market leader in Europe in our sector and the only company operating in both Europe and North America."

Personal support

"Many companies are full of good intentions. They want to have a positive impact on society, but they often lack a good method to do this efficiently," the entrepreneur notes. "They tend to see all their efforts in isolation. The Optimy platform offers a solution for this. It's easy to put together and it's service-oriented. We adapt to the processes of each business unit and company. It doesn't work the other way around," assures Bérard. "Our customers are not looking for technology; they're looking for guidance. We invest in personalisation, and it's paying off, as a customer satisfaction survey shows."

Structuring actions

The first piece of advice that Optimy always gives companies is: don't shred your efforts, they should form a whole. "We recommend that companies structure their actions using our tool. The corporate social responsibility policy must be in line with the company’s values, DNA and broader strategy. And of course, the actions must be transparent and well executed."

The right partner

From the beginning, the connection Optimy had with BNP Paribas Fortis was decisive for the company’s growth. "The fact that the bank follows us has increased our credibility with our partners, investors, customers and also internally. Now it's setting up a factoring service for us to further support our growth."

Optimy's growth was initially supported by cash flow, which is unusual for a technology company. Financing came into play beginning in 2019. That's when a Canadian fund specialising in software as a service (SaaS) companies and affiliated with the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) became a shareholder.

Multicultural enrichment

As with increasingly more companies, one of Optimy’s biggest challenges is recruiting new talent. “We've been able to convert that challenge into an asset,” concludes Bérard. "We attract talent from abroad. Sixty people from twenty nationalities work in our Brussels branch. This multiculturalism is a huge enrichment and has helped us break through internationally."

“The corporate social responsibility policy must be in line with your company’s values, DNA and broader strategy”.



Where will your 'international' roadmap take you?

Assessment? Check! Your strategy? All mapped out. You've also already determined your target market. But you've still got some way to go before you can cross borders... Some 'required stops'.

You're fully convinced of the benefits of internationalisation by now. You see it as an important lever for the growth of your business. But it's a process that doesn't happen overnight and is the result of a long decision-making process. You've carried out a preliminary assessment of your options before venturing into foreign markets. A checklist and initial indispensable considerations, so to speak, to find out whether the project was worthwhile. You then considered the choice of the most appropriate strategy for your business... You considered direct solutions such as e-commerce or commercial distribution. Or perhaps more sustainable establishment models, such as opening a branch or subsidiary, implementing synergies through a joint venture or a merger acquisition. This decision is based on a thorough analysis of the situation specific to your organisation. This approach often requires meticulous guidance. You will have also determined your target market during this process, which is a very important step. Your project's success now depends on the implementation of an action plan. And this phase inevitably brings with its new considerations and decisions...


In any case, your plan depends on your internationalisation strategy. The launch of an e-commerce platform or the choice of an intermediary imposes different requirements – in terms of due diligence obligations, financial resources or the definition of the target market, for example – than a merger acquisition. What's more, every merger-acquisition process is unique. What does this mean? That each adventure requires a tailor-made approach that considers the specific characteristics of your company, your products or services, your sector, your competitors, your added value, and more. Furthermore, the mapping of your international growth will be highly influenced by the characteristics of the target market. No magic formula then? Correct, but we do point out some common 'required stops' that deserve your attention. 

    1. The 'local' considerations

    France is not Belgium. And Belgium is not Germany and certainly not Japan or Brazil. Each country has specific characteristics that shouldn't be taken lightly. It's more than 'folklore'! These are real 'keys' that you must assess correctly in order to make a difference. Numerous (internationally renowned) companies have come to grief while trying to do this. It's another commercial reality that can have a major impact on your action plan:

    • Cultural codes and language
    • Relationships with partners
    • Corporate culture
    • Consumer habits and expectations
    • Do’s and don'ts
    • Don't lose sight of the regulatory aspects: they're essential!

    Note that a product that is successful in the domestic market will be perceived differently elsewhere. It will prompt you to take certain preliminary actions: call in experts from the country in question, carry out a more in-depth market study, participate in more local trade fairs, etc. 

    2. Adaptation of your commercial range 

    An important reflection that causes you to reassess a series of parameters:

From a commercial point of view: do your products and services meet the target group's specific needs? Does your range satisfy the previously identified needs? Is it sufficiently appealing? How will you position yourself? Does the quality meet the local standards? And so on.

From a legal point of view: the key question is whether you comply with the local market's regulatory or administrative requirements. Do you need special certifications? Do you have to comply with specific technical obligations? And so on.

    You must answer these questions to determine whether your market access strategy is ready in all respects: marketing and communication, value proposition, distribution methods, logistics chains, payment methods, etc. Not to mention your pricing policy. It may show that you need to make some adjustments at the production, distribution or commercial level. 

    3. Choice of partner 

    This isn't an easy task. Whatever your internationalisation project, this point plays a key role. You therefore need to set very clear objectives, missions and criteria that will serve as a guide to identify, prequalify and select the best local partners. The risk – and therefore the importance – of this approach is even greater in the case of a merger acquisition. A long-lasting marriage that must not fail... You will therefore need resources and time to complete your due diligence process. 

    4. You still have a way to go... 

    The following steps are no less important. We can give you the following tips in the meantime:

    • Carryout a thorough risk analysis.
    • Prepare a budget for your expansion project and ensure you work out several scenarios, because you can always come up against surprises. Consider the fiscal context and the local market's specifications (infrastructure costs, employment costs, etc.).
    • Plan distribution and transport circuits.
    • Prepare a detailed schedule for your project's roll-out.
Need more information? Do not hesitate to discuss this with your relationship manager or contact us using this form.


Internationalisation: which strategy should you apply?

Conquering international markets is an indispensable growth lever for companies. Such a project can take different forms or follow different paths: from e-commerce to mergers and acquisitions.

International expansion can be an important growth factor for your company and an undeniable source of opportunities – both commercially and in terms of innovation or resilience. After a complete assessment of your current situation, an inevitable question follows: which strategy should you apply to realise your project? There's no magic formula or mapped-out path: in reality, you often adopt a wide-ranging approach based on various strategies. Nevertheless, we do see some broad outlines. And each has its own strengths and limitations. Whatever you decide, your choice should fit into an overall thinking and be in line with the current situation and the future of your business. The objective? Increasing your chances of success and keeping the risks under control as much as possible. 

1. Direct and indirect export

This is naturally one of the most widely used strategies for conquering foreign markets. You can sell your products abroad through one or more channels:

  • E-commerce: E-commerce is a fast and accessible solution to get 'far' with limited resources. Internet sales have grown very strongly in recent years but have a significant impact on the logistical workload. This includes not only technology and conformity, but also the commercial aspect. You are far from your target market and must deal with competitors from all over the world, while the internet knows no borders – and that's both an asset and an obstacle.
  • A local intermediary: A gamble without too many risks, because you make use of the power of local sales – your agent delivers the customer's orders locally and you transfer them. The only thing left to do is to decide how to distribute your products. In this regard, it's important that you make full use of your knowledge of the foreign market. Think, for example, of consumers' consumption habits and expectations. Although this approach does not require major investments (payments on commission), it isn't entirely without risk. The success of your project is entirely in the hands of your local contact, leaving you to count on that partner's reliability.
  • Commercial distribution: A similar approach to conquering the international market. This strategy can be implemented quickly and is the result of cooperation with independent distributors who are based in your target area. They buy the goods and then sell them, enabling you to benefit from their expertise and network. Unlike the intermediary, this distributor takes several tasks off your hands (invoicing, collection, marketing costs or import costs). Choosing the right partners and determining the terms of the contract is no easy task. After all, your project's success depends on it...
  • Transfer of patents or technology: This is a way to make your know-how or technology pay off, not your products. This transfer of skills gives a foreign entity the right to use your methods or innovation within the framework of a previously established contract (geographical area, duration, etc.). An opportunity to go international where you 'outsource' production, sales and distribution. Contract preparation is one of the stumbling blocks of this approach.

2. Local establishment 

Another model for internationalisation is to establish your business abroad. This means that you go local: you establish your entire value chain in another country, or you produce, distribute or sell your products there yourself. This geographical approach necessarily requires greater investment, but it also gives you more clout. This approach is also a way of reinforcing your resilience: the financial and commercial risks, as well as the pressure on your value chain, are spread over several areas. Over the years, a more flexible approach has also been introduced, allowing companies to move more flexibly in line with the international situation. Various options are also available here:

  • Subsidiary or branch: In both cases, it's a matter of establishing a firm and lasting foothold in the local market. However, the project requires a solid foundation and a long-term vision. You should also think carefully about the legal status: do you opt for a subsidiary or for a branch? Consequently, when making this decision, take into account various factors: the degree of autonomy, the desired degree of decentralisation or consultation, the legal and tax implications, whether or not to produce locally (to take advantage of cheaper raw materials, for example), the financial resources that you can mobilise, and so on. In any case, a perfect lever for applying the well-known formula 'think globally, act locally'.
  • International joint venture: This principle is based on the creation of synergies. Your company joins a company that already has a local presence and both companies complement each other. Each company benefits from the other's strengths while sharing the activity's risks, control and common costs. Such a joint venture or partnership often requires a customised legal structure. As you can see, a joint venture is not an easy marriage. It's therefore crucial that you find the right partner and come to an agreement with them concerning each party's input and responsibilities.
  • Merger or acquisition: This growth strategy offers a few advantages. What's the greatest advantage? A merger or acquisition is a method of consolidating and diversifying your business. It's also a 'quick' way to conquer a new market by exploiting the local company's competitive advantages (technological, commercial, etc.). Such a project naturally entails not only potential benefits, but also risks. For example, you may misjudge the sources of value creation or the risks, or have difficulty integrating.

As you can see, your international project's success depends on many factors. And, first and foremost, on your own strategic choices and your ability to develop a clear vision of exactly what you want to achieve. From the development of a commercial partner network to a sustainable local presence, there are many options that deserve not only thorough consideration, but also professional guidance.


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