Your opinion counts

You expect, quite rightly, to receive impeccable service from us.

However, sometimes things don't go as planned, which can leave you dissatisfied. Please let us know when this happens.

Not only will we give you our full attention; we will make every effort to find you a solution quickly.

Who should I talk to?

Get in touch with your usual contact person at BNP Paribas Fortis and tell them about your dissatisfaction. He or she will have a lot of options available to find a solution.

Prefer to use an online form? Then complete this declaration form.

Please ensure you do not share any confidential information and that you only use it to send us your complaint.

You can address other requests to your usual contact person directly.

When can you expect a response?

We make every effort to provide you with an answer as soon as possible. In general, you will receive an answer within 1 month at the latest. If resolution is going to take longer, after a month you will receive a progress update on your case and a new processing deadline.

Prior to our full response, we will send you confirmation of receipt within 5 working days.

If you are unhappy with the proposed solution, please take a look at our full complaints procedure.

Complaint Form

Personal info:

Company info:

Is your company/organisation client at BNP Paribas Fortis?

Has your complaint already been processed by the bank?

Type the code shown in the image:

The Bank processes your personal data in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Notice of BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV.

Thank you

Your message has been sent.

We will respond as soon as possible.

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