
How far is your company in terms of sustainability?

The world is changing in the face of challenges such as climate change and ever diminishing resources, and current business models are reaching their limits. The good news is that the changing world also offers us an infinite number of opportunities to do more and better business, develop new markets and services. Let’s take action now.

  • The Banker names BNP Paribas "Most Innovative Investment Bank for Climate Change and Sustainability 2019"

    Do a quick check-up


    Are you interested in sustainability innovations on the market? Or do you want to talk to your banker about implementing sustainable business or organisational practices? You can count on our experts in ICT, bio-, med-, clean- and greentech.


    Take advantage of our interconnected network of companies, public organisations, start-ups and universities to share best practices, form synergies and nurture new collaborations.


    In addition to the many forms of sustainable financing and investment, we provide solutions that promote the mobility of your vehicle fleet and the energy performance of your buildings, among others.

    At which stage of the sustainable business path are you?

    Take the test

    Our approach in 5 steps


    Your company is convinced that it must take action


    You have tools to measure negative external influences

    Quick wins

    You are investing to reduce your ecological footprint

    Business model

    You are thinking about changing your company model

    Cooperation & Innovation

    You are discussing sustainability and co-creation with your suppliers and other partners

    Your company and the benefits of sustainability

    What are the challenges for your company?

    The risks linked to the decline in biodiversity, the exhaustion of raw materials and global warming can no longer be ignored. Population increases and the rise in urbanisation have put the planet in danger.

    Aside from the moral aspect of sustainability, it is also a colossal economic challenge and an incredible lever for your company.

    The World Bank estimates that 90,000 billion euros will be required to reach the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the UN that our bank has integrated into its strategy.

    The SDGs were incorporated very logically into our corporate social responsibility policy.


    Our commitment is clear:

    • to continue promoting sustainability in our organisation;
    • to help our customers speed up their transition.
    "Adapting is a question of survival, but also an opportunity for your company. It is an opportunity to reassess your economic model and define new avenues of growth."
    Guy Pollentier, Sustainable Business Competence Centre

    4 strategic priorities

    Faced with the scale of the task, we have chosen to concentrate on projects that will enable you to reduce costs and create value in the following areas:


    By complying with zero carbon standards, you will increase your operational efficiency. And why not transform waste CO2 into a renewable raw material?

    Circular economy

    Capitalising on technologies based on recycling and reuse will put you a step ahead of the competition.

    Human capital

    A sustainable company will also be able to recruit and retain employees that care more about environmental values. Your human capital is a strength!

    Smart city

    Tomorrow's smart cities will be replete with opportunities for your business, such as optimising mobility and street lighting.

    Our bank's response

    We have a driving role to play in helping you to manage the risks in this rapidly evolving world and to draw profit from the investments that are open to you.


    Seasoned experts

    An expert team

    How do you go from theory to practice? It is clear that fear of the unknown and additional costs are holding many companies back. They don’t have enough time, the necessary expertise or are wary of the extra costs. This is why we are placing a dedicated team of specialists at your disposal. Before being bankers, they are first and foremost seasoned engineers in new technologies.
    Are you thinking about installing solar panels on your factory roof? We could just finance the investment, but we can also analyse with you, for example, whether double glazing or a heat pump would be more worthwhile.


    Privileged contacts

    To inspire you, sustainably

    Our knowledge of companies and the links we have created over recent years with start-ups and universities give us the unique opportunity to build bridges between stakeholders committed to sustainable development. Our Innovation Hubs and our partnership with Co.Station in particular constitute a hotbed for talent unrivaled in Belgium. The aim of the workshops and trips organised for you is to facilitate, create contacts and provide inspiration. Discover the logbook for our Learning Expeditions to Berlin, Paris and Oslo and contact us if you are interested by our workshop Sustainable Business Atelier.


    Different solutions

    A first in Belgium

    Our bank has demonstrated its ability to develop creative products such as green bonds, green loanssustainable loans and positive incentive loans. It's no coincidence that BNP Paribas Fortis was chosen by the Belgian State to issue its first green bonds and the World Bank entrusted to us the development of sustainable products.
    In addition to these purely financial solutions, there are also various services such as leasing, the cafeteria plan or the mobility card that enable you to offer your employees concrete and flexible solutions to improve mobility.


    Sustainability is a project that develops, matures and gets reinvented.

    You can't change everything by waving a magic wand, but there are a number of steps to take in between becoming aware and adopting a new business model.

    Answer a few questions and discover how far you have come, and what lies ahead.

    The sustainable revolution: boundless opportunities to look at the challenges linked with growing your company in a different light.

    The huge footprint of human activity has pushed the planet into a new geological era.

    It is time to act, both as business people and citizens. Solutions already exist. Discover the example of Gregory Racelle's agricultural operations.

    Are you interested to turn your business sustainable?

    Ask for an appointment


    Prêts et obligations verts liés aux critères ESG

    Time :

    Le développement durable passe par les entreprises

    Time :
    “Het is geweldig om te zien dat BNP Paribas Fortis competentiecentra bouwt om een beter inzicht te krijgen in de uitdagingen waarmee bedrijven die duurzame bedrijfsmodellen bouwen, in de huidige markten worden geconfronteerd. Dankzij de kritische, maar inzichtelijke inbreng van Pieter Hensen (Sustainable Business Competence Centre) gedurende de afgelopen 4 jaar hebben we een positieve dialoog kunnen voeren met BNP Paribas Fortis en onze investeringsplannen kunnen realiseren.”
    Filip Lesaffer, Chief Executive Officer van 2VALORISE
    “Dans le secteur de l’éolien, les projets peuvent se révéler complexes tant au niveau technique que réglementaire. J'ai pu compter sur le Sustainable Business Competence Centre de BNP Paribas Fortis : ses conseillers parlent la même langue que moi. Nous gagnons en compréhension et en temps d’analyse.”
    Christophe Surleraux, Chief Development Officer de Bee
    “[…] Les aspects spécifiques liés aux projets solaires sont gérés au sein de BNP Paribas Fortis par Quentin Nerincx (Sustainable Business Competence Centre), dont la compétence et la connaissance de notre industrie permettent de traiter efficacement nos dossiers de financement. Nous apprécions de pouvoir trouver ce niveau de compétence et de compréhension de notre métier au sein de BNP Paribas Fortis […]. ”
    Grégoire de Pierpont, Chief Executive Officer d’Enerdeal
    “Persuadé que l’avenir appartient à l’économie collaborative, DHK s’est lancé, avec l’appui de l’ensemble de son personnel, dans une démarche d’économie circulaire incluant le recyclage, le broyage et la revalorisation de ses déchets. Je suis fier des investissements réalisés. Outre son rôle financier, BNP Paribas Fortis est aussi là pour promouvoir ces nouvelles idées. J’ai pu compter sur l’accompagnement d’une équipe engagée, comme et avec nous, sur la voie durable.“
    Philippe Dubois, Chief Executive Officer de DHK

    Contact us

    Need advice, an opinion or more information? Leave us your contact details, and we will get back to you at a time that suits you.

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