

Where are we on the road to new mobility?

A mobility survey carried out on behalf of BNP Paribas Fortis shows that this issue will remain a major challenge for the years to come. The bank is firmly determined to play its part.

A survey among 2,000 people, and representative of the Belgian population, on mobility shows that the switch to electric driving is slowing. Almost 80% of those surveyed still drive a diesel or petrol vehicle, and more than a third of them have no intention of trading in their cars for a more environmentally friendly model any time soon. And yet almost 50% want to be driving electric by 2029. But before that switch, some hurdles first need to be cleared. According to two-thirds of respondents, the bank needs to take a proactive role in the transition to sustainable mobility.

  • Only 10% of cars on the streets today are electric, hybrid or run on hydrogen. Users of these vehicles confirm they are very satisfied. Though most have their own charging station, public charging stations are a bottleneck.
  • While fighting climate change remains the main argument for switching, changing mobility habits isn’t so easy. The switch to electric is slow, and more incentives are needed, such as new tax measures, and above all, a commitment from the government. Prices also need to come down. It is clear that the practical issues of driving and charging times mean people hesitate to make the switch.
  • As a result, enthusiasm about new mobility initiatives is rather muted. Although, especially in big cities, an app that combines mobility options has good chances of success.
  • Mobility and work are strongly linked. One in three people spend at least an hour a day travelling to/from work. It turns out that teleworking is a solution for only 50% of the people, and that the other half of the population don’t have the opportunity to work from home.
  • More awareness needs to be created around new mobility. Not everyone is familiar with shared cars, bikes and charging stations yet.

Mobility partner

BNP Paribas Fortis is determined to contribute to more sustainable mobility and be a mobility partner for both professional and private customers. We are doing this by informing audiences of all the advantages of an environmentally friendly switch. And also by offering support through financing, insurance and leasing. Our goal is to provide a global response to tomorrow's mobility needs through innovative services.



Electric cars are fast becoming the norm

As of 2026, a favourable tax scheme will only apply to electric company cars. This is an important step towards – and extra reason to go all out for an emission-free fleet. 1 July 2023 will be a turning point.

The evolution towards more sustainable company cars has now also been laid down by law. Thanks to a number of tax changes, electric company cars or e-cars will be the most interesting choice from now on. The perfect time to start electrifying your fleet already today.

"1 July 2023 is an important turning point for making the transition to electrification," says Philippe Kahn, Mobility Solutions Expert at Arval, the specialist in operational leasing of commercial vehicles. "An employer can deduct significantly less costs for fossil-fuel-powered cars from that date. Hybrid vehicles can still enjoy more favourable tax scheme for a while. Nevertheless, companies should take into account that, as of 1 January 2023, they will only be allowed to deduct 50% of the fuel costs for their hybrid cars."

Electric driving isn’t just more tax-efficient

Electric cars are already 100% tax deductible. "Meanwhile, of the cars leased today, 40% are electric. This upward trend is clear. Until recently, the sensitively higher purchase price of an electric or hybrid car versus that of a comparable car with a combustion engine was a brake. Meanwhile, besides the effect of the shift in taxation, the market mechanism is bringing prices closer together," says Kahn.

But tax deductibility and purchase price aren’t the only factors to consider. In making this choice, it’s actually better to look at the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). This includes all expected costs. In addition to the tax aspect, consider consumption, maintenance and CO2 contribution. And these four elements are all more favourable for electric cars. If you use the TCO rather than purchase price as a yardstick, you’ll see that a green fleet of e-cars will be the most advantageous choice for your company in the future.

Electric driving gaining momentum

The tax regime for cars running on fossil fuels is gradually changing. Yet the changes in 2023 will remarkably accelerate the move to electric driving. More than ever, it is clearly time for a new mobility.

  • Until 30 June 2023
    For company cars ordered before 1 July 2023, the current conditions regarding tax deductibility will continue to apply. For company cars that are leased or rented operationally and for which the beneficial ownership is not transferred, the closing date of the lease or rental contract is considered. The costs of a diesel, petrol or hybrid car remain 50 to 100% deductible, while the costs of electric cars remain 100% deductible.
  • Between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2025
    For non-emission-free vehicles ordered as of 1 July 2023 until 31 December 2025, a transition period will apply, and the deductibility is gradually phased out. From a maximum of 75% in 2025, to 50% in 2026, to 25% in 2027, and ultimately 0% deductibility in 2028. As of 2025 the minimal deductibility of 50% is abolished. The CO2 contribution for these cars will also increase significantly each year. Emission-free cars will remain 100% deductible.
  • As of 1 January 2026 onwards
    Non-emission-free vehicles ordered as of 1 January 2026 will no longer be deductible. Only emission-free vehicles such as electric cars will then be 100% deductible. But this favourable scheme will also be gradually phased out over the next few years, to 95% for vehicles ordered in 2027, to 90% in 2028, to 82.5% in 2029, 75% in 2030 and eventually to 67.5% in 2031.
  • Plug-in hybrids (PHEV)
    For plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) ordered as of 1 January 2023, the tax deductibility of petrol and diesel costs will be limited to 50%. Electricity and other costs are not covered by this restriction. This measure is designed to encourage the use of electric motors and PHEV. Otherwise, PHEVs will continue to follow the non-emission-free vehicle rules.

And for your employees?

The status of the company car as an alternative remuneration will remain in place until after 2030. “If you allocate a company car that your employee can also use privately, this benefit will be taxed as a fixed benefit in kind. That depends on the list price, fuel type and the CO2 emissions. Although electric vehicles generally have a higher list price, zero emissions can make up the difference and in many cases, turn out favourably for your employee.”

What about charging?

To help your employees make the most of an electric car, you can have a charging station installed at their home if possible. Both the device and the installation at your employee's home are 100% tax deductible and there is no additional tax benefit for them.

“As a company, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from an increased cost deduction for the installation of charging stations on your company premises. This amounts to 200% for investments made in the period from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2022 and 150% for depreciations relating to investments made in the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 August 2024. A condition is that the charging station is depreciated linearly over at least five taxable periods and at the earliest as of the fiscal year that is linked to the taxable period during which the charging station is operational and publicly accessible”, Kahn concludes.

Switch to an electric fleet

In addition to favourable tax conditions, there are many other excellent reasons to opt for electric cars today.

  • It is an environmentally friendly solution that leads to 17-30% less CO2 emissions than the emissions from ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicle.
  • A wide range of new models is already on the market today and will only increase in the coming years.
  • Most new models already have a driving range of 300 to 600 km.
  • Advantageous Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
  • Electric driving is pleasant and causes much less street noise.
  • The public charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly.
  • Access to low-emission zones and cities that ban diesel and petrol-vehicles.

Nowadays, responsible fleet management is built around sustainability. Don't wait any longer to electrify your fleet and reduce your company’s ecological footprint. Our mobility partner Arval will help you to make your fleet more sustainable and support you in your transition to electric vehicles.

Discover all our solutions or discuss them with your relationship manager.

Lessor: ARVAL Belgium NV/SA Ikaroslaan 99, B-1930 Zaventem - RPR Brussels - VAT BE 0436.781.102.

Your employees’ mobility needs are not standing still, and legislation is also changing at lightning speed. As a company, it is therefore crucial to work today on the mobility of tomorrow.

A changing world

Today you drive to visit customers, tomorrow you work from home and on Friday you take the train and the shared scooter from the station to the office... Your employees’ mobility needs are not standing still and the demand for sustainable, integrated and flexible solutions is increasing.

Legislation and economic conditions are also changing at an unprecedented pace. As part of its initiative to make the automobile sector more sustainable, the government has set a number of ambitious targets, such as greenhouse gas-free company cars by 2026 and betting on smart mobility for commuting. For this reason, many companies are currently considering a transition from a car policy to a mobility policy, in which employees are also given access to other alternative means of transport. In practice, however, there is a lot of extra administration involved when your employees opt for combined mobility to get around. A forward-thinking digital mobility solution tailored to your company will give you a big head start.

Employees want to choose for themselves

Multimodal mobility is an important asset for attracting and retaining talent. Not everyone benefits from a company car alone as a means of transport. Your employees want to be able to choose how they travel to and from work. One day the car is the best option, the next day, the bike or public transport. By moving towards a flexible mobility policy, employees will be able to choose the mobility solutions that suit them best in the future, so that they can go to work in complete freedom and with a good feeling.

Reducing CO² emissions

We are facing a real challenge in the coming years. Mobility and logistics account for as much as 22% of CO2 emissions in our country. If we are to achieve the European target – to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030 – we need to work urgently on greening our mobility. Electrification of your fleet in combination with soft mobility is already a step in the right direction. The government is driving this transition to zero-emission mobility by discouraging fossil-fuelled vehicles from a tax perspective and rewarding electrification. Think about more than just purchasing or leasing electric vehicles.

Towards Smart, Integrated Mobility Solutions

Mobility cards that offer an all-in-one solution for all your employees’ professional travel are still relatively unknown, but work very well. They allow you to book and pay for all necessary means of transport, from leased cars, public transport and taxis to shared mobility of bicycles, scooters and cars. Employees can also use them to fill up their lease cars, charge them and pay for parking and car wash.

Mobility platforms and apps go one step further: they offer the ideal multimodal solution in real time, depending on needs and traffic conditions. For example, taking the car to the outskirts of Brussels and then switching to an electric scooter or, in nice weather, biking to the office. The user of the mobility app can also buy a ticket directly from the suitable mobility provider, with a mobility budget that the employer makes available via a linked mobility platform. Such a platform allows employers to customise their mobility policy to meet their specific needs. This way, all employee mobility solutions are managed on the same platform. Moreover, all this is directly linked to the payroll of the payroll service provider. Thanks to the platform, the actual situation is displayed at all times and wages are always calculated correctly, taking into account individual mobility plans and expenses.

Say goodbye to congestion and administrative hassle, and hello to sustainable mobility!

Do you want a mobility policy that responds to the ever-changing needs of your employees and is committed to sustainability? Our experts will be happy to help you.

Mobility solutions are offered by Arval Belgium SA/NV via BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV, Montagne du Parc/Warandeberg 3, B-1000 Brussels, Brussels Register of Companies VAT BE0403.199.702.
The information provided here does not constitute an offer. An offer will be made only after your dossier has been accepted and shall always be subject to the general terms and conditions of Arval Belgium SA/NV.



Opt for a more sustainable mobility offer thanks to bicycle leasing

Sustainability isn't a hype – it's a must. The transition is also in full swing in terms of mobility. With bicycle leasing, you offer your employees a high-quality bicycle package and choose a more sustainable mobility offer. And it's tax efficient.

Cycling to work is popular

Not only our way of working has become hybrid; so too has the way we travel to work. More and more people are seeing the benefits of cycling to work, whether or not electric. An e-bike or speed pedelec is no longer just a gadget. Thanks to these, you can now comfortably cycle longer distances. So, bicycles are certainly part of a sustainable mobility policy. Bicycle leasing allows you to offer your employees a healthy and sporty option that reduces your organisation’s carbon footprint.

How does bicycle leasing work?

Bicycle leasing is much more than just financing bicycles. Maintenance, repairs, breakdown service and insurance are all included in the package. With Bike Lease, our mobility partner Arval offers an operational, full-service solution for 36 months. With over 120 brands and all types of bicycles, the range is extensive: city bikes, sports bikes, e-bikes, speed pedelecs, mountain bikes, folding bikes, etc. Your employees choose the bicycle that suits them best. An annual maintenance budget is provided for maintenance and repair by professionals. Bike Lease also includes indemnity for accidents, theft and vandalism of the bicycle with a fixed excess based on the value of the lease bike. And finally, a 24/7 breakdown service is provided within 45 minutes, anywhere in Belgium.

Good for everyone

Including bicycles in your mobility offer offers both your company and your employees many advantages.

  • Tax-efficient

The leasing costs are deductible for your company if your employees use their bikes to commute. By using this bike to commute, they avoid a taxable benefit in kind.

  • Healthy

Cycling makes healthier and fitter employees who suffer less from stress. And your company benefits from this as well.

  • Affordable

A bicycle is a cheaper alternative or complement to a company car for short to medium-distance trips. You save on fuel, maintenance and parking costs. It also allows you to offer mobility to a wider target group.

  • Flexible

Once your employees have chosen a type of bicycle, they decide for themselves when they pedal to work. Through all kinds of weather, when the sun is shining or when there are too many traffic jams and a bicycle is the perfect alternative to a car. They can also enjoy their bikes in their free time.

  • Sustainable

A bicycle has of course a low ecological footprint and fits perfectly in a sustainable mobility policy. By offering your employees a bicycle, your company emits less CO2 and your organisation becomes more socially responsible.

Are you open to including bicycles in your mobility offer? Your relationship manager will be happy to explain the options to you. Please don't hesitate to contact us.
Operational leasing is offered by Arval Belgium SA/NV, with the intervention of BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV – Montagne du Parc/Warandeberg 3, B-1000 Brussels, Brussels Register of Companies VAT BE0403.199.702.
The information provided here does not constitute an offer. An offer is made only after your file has been accepted and is always subject to Arval Belgium SA/NV's General Terms and Conditions.


Discover our leasing options and get our top deal

Thinking about leasing a company car? Not sure which options are available? Below is an overview of all our available leasing options. That way you can determine which type of leasing is right for you. What's more, our partner Arval has a top deal, valid until 30 November 2024: drive the new electric BMW iX1 eDrive20 or BMW i4 Gran Coupé for a very advantageous all-in price.

Financial or operational leasing?

The same reasoning applies to both financial and operational leasing: you pay a leasing company for a specific period, usually four or five years. In both cases, the leasing company is the legal owner of the car. You do, however, have the option to purchase the car at the end of the contract. In financial leasing, the amount of the purchase option is known from the start of the contract whereas with operational leasing, the amount is determined at the end of the contract based on the car's market value.

'Including services'

This is one of the major advantages of operational leasing versus financial leasing: the taxes, (comprehensive) insurance, maintenance and costs (except fuel) are all included in the rental price. What's more, you enjoy additional services such as summer and winter tyres, roadside assistance and a replacement vehicle. All you need to do is pay a specific amount each month and that's it. In short, you get to drive with peace of mind: everything has been paid for, except for the fuel.

Tax implications?

The purchase option has tax implications: for a financial lease, you depreciate the investment asset and deduct the interest on your tax return. The car is listed as an asset on your balance sheet. For an operational leasing contract, the full rental price is processed as a cost. Tax deduction limits apply in both cases and you may have to take the professional use of the car into account. Equally important: the VAT is paid monthly on the rental price and not in one go, allowing you to use your lines of credit for other investments.

Get our top deal

Our exceptional offer is valid until 30 November 2024: you can lease the new electric BMW iX1 eDrive20 or BMW i4 Gran Coupé under an operational leasing contract at an affordable and exclusive price, including all services.

Arval Belgium SA, Ikaroslaan 99, 1930 Zaventem – RPM Bruxelles – TVA BE 0436.781.102, intermédiaire en assurances à titre accessoire, inscrit auprès de la FSMA sous le numéro 047238 A. Sous réserve d’acceptation de votre demande.

Arval Belgium nv, Ikaroslaan 99, 1930 Zaventem – RPR Brussel – BTW BE 0436.781.102, nevenverzekeringstussenpersoon geregistreerd bij de FSMA onder het nummer 047238 A. Onder voorbehoud van aanvaarding van uw aanvraag.


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