- Mobility in 2025: Arval’s view
- The digital divide persists
- Managing business uncertainty with BNP Paribas Fortis
- BNP Paribas Fortis Factor: the oxygen to your growth story
- Discover our leasing options and get our top deal
- Arval: mobility for work and life
- Start your transition with Climact
- We need to move forward together
- Electronic invoicing between companies to become mandatory
- Kazidomi: a healthy online supermarket
- Less CO2 and healthier food
- Brepols prepares for the future
- Ecosteryl decontaminates medical waste
- Triple Helix disrupts the value chain
- Ecosteryl decontaminates medical waste
- “A good ESG score is a must”
- Less polluting cremation
- Design flooring made of bio-pellets
- Transporting and securing energy across Europe
- Ziegler’s environmental strategy
- “Our focus is on people and trust”
- Cohabs takes cohousing to the next level
- Measurable corporate social responsibility
- We’re all set up to fast-track businesses, including SMEs
- Businesses stand to benefit from switching to electric and multimodal mobility
- Has your company also locked in its energy prices?
- Investment grants for your business
- ESG becomes law: what you need to know
- New mobility: driven by technology
- Shipping: focus on the impact of decarbonisation and energy transition
- Where are we on the road to new mobility?
- Travelling to work: the rise of cycling!
- Biomethane from Bois d'Arnelle: Walloon biogas, a link in the energy transition chain
- Elessent EMEAI: solutions for cleaner production
- Nitto Belgium, the world's most sustainable company
- Farming for Climate: agroecology, a local response to global warming
- WDP produces enough green energy to supply a city like Leuven!
- Ekopak: ensuring that the industry no longer relies on the drinking water supply
- Holcim, or how the Belgian cement industry has embarked on a sustainable transition
- Electric cars are fast becoming the norm
- Sustainable Future Forum: Belgium as a hub for green hydrogen and the role of the EU
- CO2 Value fully commits to a carbon-free economy
- Sylphar, Lansweeper and Qover win Private Equity Awards in 2022
- Who will win a Private Equity Award this year?
- Mobility Solutions of the Future
- Leeuw van de Export for two Flemish companies
- Who is in with a chance of winning a Leeuw van de Export Award in 2022?
- Leeuw van de Export 2022 Awards recognise strong export results
- No challenge is too big for Skyhaus
- “The energy transition is first and foremost an attitude”
- “The takeaway fitness during the lockdown was a success!”
- Vents d’Houyet: idealists with their feet on the ground
- How North Sea Port is becoming the port of the future
- “Our efforts to support the green transition depend on our banking partners”
- Bamboo farming: innovation and sustainability
- Pairi Daiza backing green, local energy
- A cookie cut from sustainable dough
- A behind-the-scenes look at Suez’s “bottle to bottle” recycling activities
- “We enjoy being early adopters”
- Sustainable energy as a service
- Cool Electro Cycles: the complete customer experience
- CO² Value Europe: a partnership for a circular carbon economy
- Karim Hajjar of Solvay is the 'Trends CFO of the Year 2022'
- Are you the next 'Entrepreneur of the Year'?
- Opt for a more sustainable mobility offer thanks to bicycle leasing
- Building a sustainable chemical industry together
- Ingrid Daerden of Aedifica is the new ‘Trends CFO of the Year’
- Deliverect, Odoo and Abriso-Jiffy win the Private Equity Awards 2021
- Belgian gaming industry gets a big push
- Which Belgian companies will win the Private Equity Awards 2021?
- Optimise your working capital with factoring
- Will you be Entrepreneur of the Year 2021?
- Our bank's experts help advance energy transition via Solar Impulse Foundation
- How can the blue economy make a difference?
- What is the future for mobility post-coronavirus?
- The road to alternative mobility
- Mobility, more than just four wheels
- Choose hassle-free car sharing
- In the future, will we use CO² to build?
- Robovision: “Within five years artificial intelligence will have become omnipresent”
- Sunglasses that can help save the oceans
- Scale-up concludes mega contract in the midst of the coronavirus crisis
- Not words, but actions: how can you realise your internationl project?
- Who is the key partner in your international growth?
- Joining forces for a low-carbon economy – our bank's contribution to CO2 Value Day Europe
- Ghent-based biotechnology is about to conquer America
- Leverage 'your'network for your international growth
- An ultra-modern sorting centre designed to recycle more plastic
- Coronavirus vaccine likely to be of Walloon origin!
- First green hedge in Belgium becomes a reality
- An ever-‘greener’ future for Ziegler
- Where will your 'international' roadmap take you?
- Internationalisation: which strategy should you apply?
- A full 'assessment' before you go abroad
- Export plans? Make sure you talk to our experts first
- Het Anker, ready for a 'golden' future
- Thomas & Piron: a fast, far-reaching transition to sustainable practices
- How we help our corporate clients to expand abroad
- Odoo: supporting the growth of a company that’s breaking the mould
- Biolectric is achieving growth with its anaerobic digesters
- #StrongerTogether Rubbens distillery switches from gin to hand sanitiser
- #StrongerTogether Carmeuse, an international company serving the community
- #StrongerTogether Chacon starts up again with renewed vigour & strong belief in its future
- #StrongerTogether BNP Paribas Fortis helps Lites to calm the storm at underwater studio
- #StrongerTogether Novolab supplies protection & tests in the fight against Covid-19
- #StrongerTogether Multi-brand fashion store ZEB takes action!
- #StrongerTogether Reinvention and deconstruction - how Le Botaniste adapted its offering
- #StrongerTogether Property developer Bostoen withstands Corona thanks to solid foundations
- #StrongerTogether For Bellerose, connections have always been crucial
- #StrongerTogether Krijnen joiners and cabinetmakers carve out their future path
- #StrongerTogether Coronavirus government bonds deliver extra €8 billion
- #StrongerTogether Lasea decontaminates masks using lasers
- The art of negotiating payment terms with suppliers
- #StrongerTogether Wearable tech guarantees distance between workers
- #StrongerTogether: BeWell Innovations screens for coronavirus infections
- The conversation manager: essential and permanently online
- #StrongerTogether Biogazelle plays part in fight against coronavirus
- Social media and e-commerce: opportunities and risks
- E-commerce: the 3 steps to success
- Do not miss the e-commerce boat!
- BlueChem and our bank are committed to sustainable chemistry
- Brexit – how should you prepare for it?
- Coping as a business with geopolitical risk
- Green light for new law for companies and associations
- How to automatically get the best exchange rate
- How to prevent a stroke with the help of your smartphone
- Challenges when recruiting internationally
- Working capital: far more than just an accounting term
- Creative uses for construction waste
- Innovative heating system in Ghent
- China doesn't want our plastic anymore
- La blockchain monte à bord de la voiture connectée
- M&A in Belgium? Our country has transformed a disadvantage into solid gold
- 7 tips for reducing your waste bill
- Sorting plastics
- Belgium gets a thumbs up from Mother Earth
- Could your intuition help you make better decisions?
- The EU comes to the rescue of the retail sector
- Reforestation and biodiversity in practice
- The war of the buttons: MasterCard and Visa stand up to PayPal
- Artificial intelligence: strength in (European) union!
- Reforestation and biodiversity in practice
- 2030, the future of work
- Cover yourself before embarking on a quest for global markets
- Digitalisation: sales advisers aren’t dead yet!
- Supply chains: moving beyond sales to create value through services
- Simpler rules for VAT on e-commerce are one step closer
- The digital wallet: a "weapon of mass payment"?
- More funds for innovative start-ups in Europe
- The (near) future of payments up close
- Will privately- owned towns drive the development of smart cities?
- Belgian CEOs show their optimism
- Thinking of buying a property with your company? Take care!
- Which human skills are needed to work with artificial intelligence?
- Will micro-mobility redesign the Smart City?
- Company insolvency reconsidered and rectified
- Bank loans: better information for business owners
- Digital technology will make smart cities inclusive
- Stop products heading to an early grave
- New technologies: increasing investments
- Progress towards the circular economy
- Cash continues to charm Europeans
- The farm of the future will use aquaponics
- The secrets of the companies that almost died
- Manure in solid or liquid form can make electricity too
- How to instil the start-up mind-set?
- Sustainable finance as a driver for green economy in Europe
- Toys "R" Us: the fall of a giant unable to adapt
- What does the future hold for the "last mile"?
- European robots versus Japanese automatons
- Circular economy: a must to save the planet
- Payment Services Directive 2
- Cash flow dipped? Prioritise your payments.
- Artificial intelligence: the future is now!
- Why are cobots the best logistics partners?
- Five steps to recovering your unpaid amounts
- Brussels is renewing its support for circular businesses
- A DPO is good. An external DPO is even better!
- Belgium has raised the second largest green government bond in the world
- A pioneer in clean energy thanks to attractive financing
- When the "bullwhip" effect strikes the supply chain
- The GDPR gives birth to a rare bird: the DPO!
- Is the digital revolution underway?
- Logistics 4.0: the warehouse of the future
- GDPR: "legitimate interest" to the rescue of marketers!
- "Survive" automation by means of continuous training
- An expert in green transition on the sustainable challenge
- Company car-sharing: a sustainable and cost-effective solution
- Do companies amount to the sum of the choices they make?
- The banking profession through the prism of big data
- Diversity: a factor in company performance
- Open innovation at the heart of the company
- Employee advocacy as a communication tool?
- Optimising and innovating for improved collections
- Will the ICO be the future of corporate finance?
- Shaping energy transition together
- Electric vehicles and charging stations: Where to start?
- Make the most of international opportunities thanks to Trade4U
- Can working remotely save lives?
- Do you keep cash close to home?
- Companies' online reputations at the mercy of fake opinions
- The benefits of reusing waste water should be crystal clear
- A true agreement on the way for family businesses
- Green IT Barometer: best practices from 2017
- GDPR: is your company ready ?
- Benefit in kind is a taxable benefit!
- Exportation: risk control in the palm of your hand
- Cyber security: why the IoT is changing everything
- The taxation of benefits: What will change on 1 January
- Your next commercial lease could be a green one
- En route to predictive recruitment
- Data protection: prepare your company for the GDPR
- What role do companies have in facing climate change?
- Startups working to ensure smart city air is breathable
- What do fleet managers think about Cash for car?
- The greenest companies are seducing millennials
- A GreenTech start-up is recycling pollution by turning it into ink
- En route to predictive recruitment
- Icelandic power plant will sequester more CO2 than it emits
- Towards an open and inclusive commercial system, also for SMEs!
- ESG: Great expectations
- Why Europe needs a system for taxing the digital economy
- Is leasing also suitable for your company?
- Leasing: on-balance or not? And how to deal with VAT?
- Financial, operational or non-real estate leasing?
- Which companies are behind the Smart City Awards?
- European climate plan: from 20-20-20 to 40-27-27
- Do we all need cyber insurance?
- Retaining talented staff is key to successful M&As
- Sustainable investments are exceeding forecasts
- 6 Digital Strategies: Why Some Work Better than Others
- TEST Article
- Vehicle leasing in full transition to a ‘greener’ way of life
- EU 2020 and EPD: the regulatory framework
- Factory of the future will help people and robots to work together
- How will retail stores look in the future?
- A fairer food supply chain
- HR cannot escape digital transformation
- Taxes and the supply chain: a forced marriage!
- When e-commerce invests in bricks and mortar
- How to keep your employees and manual workers in the company
- The risks of CEO fraud
- What we know about VAT on properties for professional use
- Drones: A major European plan for 2019
- How to optimise your teleworking strategy
- Start preparing for GDPR
- Grants and public funding
- Solving the tricky problem of overtime
- Will the IoT boost the circular economy in Belgium?
- Green light for sending electronic invoices to the federal authorities
- Big data challenging traditional purchasing decisions
- The new role of indirect buyers
- Wearables helping to drive contactless mobile payments
- EdTech: the education start-up boom
- Can robots help restore our humanity?
- The new tools available on LinkedIn
- The new tax system for electric bicycles in Belgium
- EU and China: the economic climate is looking rather temperate
- The digital supply chain in a nutshell
- Banks and Smart Cities: a shared destiny
- What is the Central Insolvency Register?
- Payment periods: Belgium has made good progress
- WannaCry: the cyber-attacks threatening your company
- Virtual reality is on the rise in customer service
- Big data, a cash management trend to watch
- How do you become a Climate Positive company?
- The Internet of Things: products with sensors
- A programme of investment for a competitive Belgium
- Market abuse: what you need to know about the new regulations
- Bie De Backer (Durabrik) on the balance between performance and relationship-building
- New trend: gamification
- Trends in international payments
- Training (young) managers is a top priority
- Customer Service 2.0
- How much Belgian businesses invest in trainings: mixed results
- 1 in 200 international payments go wrong somewhere along the line
- Formation : les entreprises continuent à investir
- 4 things you should know about your IT security in 2017
- Everything you ever wanted to know about international payments
- Cost price and lead time of international payments
- Belgium: bankruptcy rates fall in 2016
- How the tax deduction for innovation affects you
- International payments: go with the processing flow
- Supply Chain: are you covered against risk?
- The end of late payments
- Why retail needs to invest in grocers
- Mobile payment conquers China
- The Supply Chain of the future will be agile and responsible
- The crowdfunding law: what has changed in Belgium
- Why you need to prepare for handing over your business
- Why Brussels is investing in artificial intelligence
- M&A in 2016: consolidation and digital transformation
- Why Belgian e-commerce has just enjoyed a record year
- Why should innovation be at the core of your company?
- Belgian companies are optimistic
- Reasons for remaining employed by your own company after you have sold it
- Mixed teams increase turnover
- Five tips for a more effective supply chain in 2017
- Antwerp, the new Belgian El Dorado of retail?
- What will 4G Internet of Things and 5G bring to the company?
- These 4 giants from Silicon Valley want to seduce your IT management
- Trend spotting. A manual.
- Food: why it is high time to think ‘fairtrade’
- Get on board with corporate responsibility
- How gamification can increase motivation
- What "local" contributes to your supply chain
- Why is the European Justice sounding the death knell on "fairness tax"?
- Connected vehicles will redesign the ways we manage and pay for services
- Big data: six questions to ask yourself before getting started
- Uberised personnel: the next trend?
- 5 things you should know about Treasury Management Systems
- Exit PC banking Business, welcome Easy Banking Business
- Technology is transforming the supply chain
- Digital transformation: your action plan
- SEPA Direct Debit - soon to be easier
- Capital Markets Union: It’s Not About Us, It’s About You
- How the on-demand economy is reshaping society
- The dawn of a new age in responsible issuing
- Administrative regulations concerning booking holiday leave
- Virtual and augmented reality spell real business opportunities
- The future plans of the Pension Commission
- Schuldschein: German export for the financing market
- Schuldschein is gaining in popularity as an alternative type of investment. Why so?
- Schuldschein benefits: simple, flexible and also discreet on request
- Green bonds are still somewhat in their infancy
- The challenges facing the Belgian transport sector
- The future is bright for Belgian family transport firms
- How will the Belgian transport & logistics sector evolve?
- Wallonia and multimodality: centres for growth for Belgian transport sector
- An analysis of the European transport sector
- Leasing of cargo vehicles: much more than just financing
- Sustainable Energy Services: tailor-made support for your ‘green’ projects
- How to reduce your financial risks with hedging techniques
- Disruptive innovation: J.S. Bach versus The Rolling Stones
- Disruptive innovation: the Build - Measure - Learn cycle
- Working with the lean start-up method: the right approach
- Disruptive innovation in 4 quotes
- Outsourcing in the public sector: no mean feat
- Outsourcing could reduce the workforce by half
- Flexible working: quite a challenge for the public sector
- Flexible remuneration: do’s and don’ts
- How to retain employees in the new economy?
- HR trends for the 21st century
- Flexible working – how to make it work: easier said than done
- Belgian SMEs abroad: AMOS technology spreads to the 4 corners of the world
- Belgian SMEs abroad: first China, then the rest of the world for Punch Powertrain
- Belgian SMEs abroad: for Sofico, going international was not a choice
- Starting operations abroad: dos and don’ts
- Challenges and risks associated with crowdfunding
- The first pension pillar: some improvements, yet still problematic
- The second pension pillar: what about the guaranteed minimum return?
- Is a pension fund suitable for your company?
- Young population and strategic location – the main strong points of the Turkish economy
- Turkish currency and interest rates not shockproof yet
- Exporting to Turkey? Make sure you have enough built-in security
- Doing business with Turkey: it's all about respect
- TEB Corporate Banking: your financial partner in Turkey
- Public and social profit institutions can promote sustainability through procurement
- The bottom-up approach to sustainability: the comeback of the cooperative
- How sustainable is sustainable?
- The Pension Tower: 50 years old and highly economical
- How to secure your business?
- Some often forgotten risks
- Focusing on fraud prevention pays off
- Company buildings: renting remains the most popular option
- Choosing real estate: look at the total cost
- Efficiency: more people in a smaller area
- Sustainable buildings: more than saving energy
- Some quick tips for constructing and converting buildings sustainably
- How to invest smartly and efficiently in renewable energy?
- Fluctuating energy prices? Minimise your risks!
- An analysis of the Belgian energy market
- Online payments: customers are truly king
- Digitised reporting coming soon
- Private equity: a versatile form of financing
- Private equity in practice: Point Chaud
- The decline in long-term loans to the public sector
- Market financing for the public sector: good idea?
- Financing via bank loan or capital markets?
- The power of the people via crowdfunding
- Pensions in the public and social-profit sectors
- Pensions in the public and social-profit sectors: two concrete examples
- The cornerstones of a strong pension strategy
- The third pension pillar: peace of mind or greater return?
- How do fraudsters operate? A summary of the most common techniques
- Half of Belgian businesses have inadequate security against cyber-attacks
- What to do in case of fraud?
- Stop fraudsters in their tracks
- Crowdsourcing: the basics
- The dos & don’ts of crowdsourcing
- Crowdfunding: financing with extras
- The many forms of crowdfunding
- Banks and crowdfunding: an impossible marriage?
- Crowdfunding in practice: MyMicroInvest
- Crowdfunding in practice: Ulule
- Who issues tenders for public contracts?
- How is a public contract put out to tender?
- How does a public authority award a contract?
- How do you find public tenders?
- What information is included in a public tender?
- How do you put together a good tender?
- How to execute a public contract?
- Five practical tips to increase your chances of winning a public contract
- Sustainability: EU bestows pioneering role on public sector
- What types of energy-efficient buildings are there?
- Investing in sustainable energy pays off
- Improved accessibility crucial for companies
- Greater flexibility and lower costs thanks to mobility budget
- Vehicle lease companies are also taking on the role of mobility consultants
- Tips & tricks for a watertight car policy
- TCO forecasts the real cost of your fleet
- The tax regime for company cars explained
- Budget-friendly carpooling: a brief guide
- Car sharing: an economic and user-friendly alternative
- Save money with Ecodriving
- 3 smart fringe benefits
- Performance-related salary bonuses increasingly popular
- A flexible salary as an alternative
- Trade Development saves you from teething problems in foreign markets
- Essentiel: London calling
- Ideal Felt: potential in Poland
- A look behind the scenes of the Belgian Business Act
- Which procedures are allowed under the Belgian Business Act?
- The Belgian Business Act: FAQ
- How does the bank assess a credit application?
- How does your credit rating influence your credit application?
- How do you put a good credit application together?
- What if you are unable to meet the repayments of your loan?
- How does factoring work?
- What are the advantages of factoring?
- Factoring: what about the risks?
- Cross-border factoring: better risk management
- Is factoring also suitable for your company?
- Factoring: A success story
- Succession: biding one's time is not an option
- Transferring your business requires a broad approach
- Business transfer and succession: a practical example
- The cash conversion cycle reviewed
- 4 rules of thumb to get your working capital working for you
- E-commerce and m-commerce: a smoother system ahead
- E-banking: more than just cash management
- Classic card payment processes are speeding up